

Cool Stuff #1

An Encyclopedia of human feelings.

It has began as an online project that searched for every blog entries started with "I feel" or "I'm feeling" and recorded the full sentence. In the end, it has built a giant feeling database, which as turn into a great book - An Almanac of Human Emotion. Despite being a bit aged, it's a great concept.


Ad Stuff #1

Chacho Puebla and Leo Burnett Iberia strike again.

To promote Tropical Beer, they decided to make the World's Biggest Towel, breaking the world record of the biggest beach towel.

To engage their target, they made a Facebook App where everybody could attend to the event just by tagging a space for them in the giant towel. Their place would be marked with each one picture, and that way you could not only meet people around you, but also book you place around your friends.

Take a look.